Editorial and Strategic Consulting Service for scientific journals

Aimed at scientific journals from universities and societies or associations that wish both to improve their editorial processes and to gain support in their strategic challenges.

Scientific journals, whether they are linked to research institutions or belong to societies or associations, often face challenges that are beyond the reach of the editor, the technical team and the editorial committee. The demands of governmental funding agencies, the requirements of indexing bibliographic bases, besides the economic challenges, make the journey sometimes arduous for the journal's team.

Among these challenges, we highlight those related to good practices in scientific publishing, indexing, its requirements and process, optimization of editorial processes and the retention and attraction of a network of committed reviewers, besides economic challenges.

With our experience in scientific publishing and our partnership with Maverick Publishing Specialists, we can support journals in all their operational, procedural and strategic challenges, providing analysis and recommendations that facilitate informed, reasoned and standards-aligned decision making in scientific publishing.

Our consultancy can take the form of a specific service to resolve a specific issue, such as a strategic plan for your journal, for example. But we can also provide ongoing support with packages of consulting hours.

Among the services we can provide, we highlight some of the most common:
Journal creation or renewal
  • Market intelligence, scope and communication Strategy

  • Digital transformation

  • Analysis of the Editorial Committee and technical team

  • Evaluation and optimization of the editorial production processes

  • Strategies for attracting and retaining reviewers

  • Strategies for economic sustainability of the journal

  • Definition of the journal's indexing Strategy

  • Review of adequacy to the criteria and recommendations of the bases

  • Management of the indexing process on behalf of the journal, including communication with the indexer and other derived actions

Good editorial practices
  • Analysis of the adequacy of the journal to the standards and norms in scientific publications

  • Analysis of the journal with regard to ethics in scientific publications

  • Review of standards for authorsAnalysis and monitoring of diversity and inclusion practices

  • Open Access

As atividades da consultoria tipicamente incluem:

Entrevistas com os envolvidos na produção editorial da revista e análise dos processos editoriais para entender os desafios e o contexto do periódico, e com os envolvidos na gestão estratégica, para levantamento de prioridades.

Análise de dados sobre o fluxo editorial, taxa de rejeição, número e distribuição geográfica e institucional dos autores e revisores.

Elaboração de recomendações para alcançar os objetivos estratégicos, baseadas no contexto do periódico e nas melhores práticas em publicação científica.


Formulação de padrões editoriais e de políticas para as necessidades específicas.

Recursos e treinamento para a equipe editorial e revisores.

Fluxos de trabalho para gerenciar as submissões, revisões e a produção editorial.


Elaboração de um plano de gestão de mudanças e comunicação, visando o alinhamento interno, adesão à estratégia e participação proativa de todos os atores-chave.

Elaboração do plano de monitoramento do projeto, com definição de métricas e indicadores de desempenho.

Definições iniciais

Governança: identificação dos atores-chave no periódico, definição de sua participação no projeto e elaboração do plano de trabalho da consultoria.

Avaliações e diagnósticos iniciais para apoiar a definição de objetivos e metas, planejamento e elaboração de propostas.